The Civil Liberties Monitoring Project (CLMP) was founded 1983 in Miranda, Humboldt County, California. We have preserved here an archive of the website.

CLMP covers only issues specific to our local area on California’s North Coast.
posted: Dec 17, 2009
DEC. 2, 2009, WED. 7 PM, CIVIL LIBERTIES HOUR, KMUD RADIO (KMUD STUDIO w/ call-ins, recorded by KMUD Engineer) Transcribed by Suzelle (CLMP).
Read transcript.
posted: Dec 12, 2009
KMUD News reporter, Cynthia Elkins speaks with Dirk Voss, President of the Code Enforcement Officials Association.
Read transcript
posted: Dec 9, 2009
Find out what CLMP has been up to in 2009 in our annual report.
posted: Dec 7, 2009
Tune in Wednesday, Dec 9th at 7pm for a special talk show about the just released proposals and options for Humboldt County Code Enforcement and the upcoming Planning Commission Meeting in Redway.
The time has come, after a year and a half the County is making it’s move in redefining the Code Enforcement Unit on Tuesday December 15th in Eureka at the Board of Supervisors meeting. If you have interest or concerns, now is the time to be informed and have your voice heard. On the Wednesday talk show we will be discussing various aspects of the code enforcement proposals as well as issues related to the long awaited Planning Commission meeting happening here in Redway on December 17th, just two days after the Code Enforcement issue at the Board of Supes.
Mark your calendars for these important dates , Tuesday December 15th Eureka and Thursday December 17th 6pm Redway School.
posted: Dec 7, 2009
From the document:
Humboldt County considers public participation fundamental to the planning process. County policies on public participation are embodied in the Humboldt County General Plan – Volume I, Section 1500 “Planning and Coordination” and provide for “Broadened public participation at all levels of the decision-making process; including study, workshops, hearings, and plan revision”. Read more.
posted: Dec 7, 2009
Supes agenda item for the Dec 1st Board meeting. Click here.
Beam Us In, Bonnie
posted: May 13, 2009
Link to conversation on Heraldo blog about May 6th radio program on Granicus and Humboldt County web streaming and archives and more… Click here.
General Plan Clarification Town Hall Meeting
posted: May 13, 2009
In Garberville May 22: focus on Southern Humboldt. Read more.
Report: Diebold Voting System Has ‘Delete’ Button for Erasing Audit Logs By Kim Zetter
posted: March 10, 2009
Following three months of investigation, California’s secretary of state has released a report examining why a voting system made by Premier Election Solutions (formerly known as Diebold) lost about 200 ballots in Humboldt County during the November presidential election.
Read the article.
SOS report: Numerous ‘deficiencies’ in elections software by Thadeus Greenson/The Times-Standard
posted: March 10, 2009
The elections system software error that dropped almost 200 ballots from Humboldt County’s final November elections results is only one of a number of problems with the system, according to a recently released report from Secretary of State Debra Bowen’s office.
Read the article.
Link to the Ammiano bill
posted: March 2, 2009
Read Norml press release.
Dr. Courtney speech from the Hemp Fest
posted: Jan 20, 2009
Dr. Courtney speaks on the CANNABIS ISSUES PANEL of experts and authors at the 18th ANNUAL SOUTHERN HUMBOLDT HEMP FEST (November, 2008).
Go to transcript.
Humboldt County Election Snafu posted: Jan 9, 2009
Here’s a very good in depth look at the current election snafu in Humboldt County from Wired magazine’s blog area.
Go to article.