The Civil Liberties Monitoring Project (CLMP) was founded 1983 in Miranda, Humboldt County, California. We have preserved here an archive of the website.

CLMP covers only issues specific to our local area on California’s North Coast.
AlterNet’s Rights and Liberties page is dedicated to documenting, reporting, and reflecting on the increasingly restrictive climate for civil liberties and human rights.
American Civil Liberties Union
“Freedom Network” website. Includes on-line publications, background materials, review of famous cases the ACLU has been involved in, and quite a bit more.
ACLU Drug Policy Reform Project
The Drug Law Reform Project is a division of the national ACLU. Our goal is to end punitive drug policies that cause the widespread violation of constitutional and human rights, as well as unprecedented levels of incarceration.
California Attorney General
California NORML
A non-profit, membership organization dedicated to reforming California’s marijuana laws. Good site with lots of current info – check them out.
Cato Institute
A collection of writings by Cato Institute scholars on civil liberties with respect to the war on terrorism.
Civil Liberties Links
This is a site good to link to mainstream civil liberties issues. Not a heavy research site, and certainly more interesting for browsing.
UK based site focused on comprehensive information on civil rights. Contains over 50 articles written by their experts who continually update and add new content.
Common Sense for Drug Policy
A great site with tons of information.
The Constitution of the United States of America
This version is complete with all the amendments in one document and is recommended for downloads.
Links to several Copwatch chapters and other related links.
COPSwatch is attorney Richard Glen Boire’s commentary on the unlawful police tactics routinely captured on episodes of the COPS television show. COPSwatch teaches you how to protect your privacy and confront unlawful police tactics by knowing and invoking your constitutional rights.
Council for Civil Liberties
We are one of the oldest continuously operating civil rights and liberties groups in Australia. The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties was established in October 1963. Its aims are to assist in the protection of rights and liberties by investigating any infringement of rights by governments, their agencies or others in authority (especially the police). The CCL is a non-party, non-sectarian, NGO run by volunteers.
The Declaration of Independence
DRCNet – Drug Reform Coordination Network
The central internet resource for drug policy reform. Very up to date info on drug reform in congress, the courts, etc. Look for extensive documentation, good links.
DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy
Claims to be the largest on the net and maybe it is. Certainly it is an excellent starting place for research.
Drug Policy Alliance
The Drug Policy Alliance (A merger of the Lindesmith Center and the Drug Policy Foundation) offers the largest collection of full-text materials on drugs and drug policy, latest news headlines, discussion forums to share insights and ideas with other drug policy reform activists, tools and suggestions for ‘taking action’ on this issue, sign-up forms for e-mail alert lists, and other membership services.
Drug Text
Set up to “promote the development and dissemination of knowledge, research, education, scholarship, and international jurisprudence in the area of drug policy and human rights.” Slow loading because of heavy graphics use, but the gateway to a great deal of information: conferences, court decisions etc.
Drug War Facts
Just what it says and lots of it from the folks at “Common Sense for Drug Policy”.
EFF – The Electronic Freedom Foundation
Fighting for freedom on the Internet. Good info, and no dusty pages.
FAMM – Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Mandatory minimum sentences are one reason the prisons are overfull. Very important organization.
FEAR – Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
Forfeiture is the seizing of property by the government and its become a very popular thing for the police to do. Its causing a lot of pain, too. Look here for a graphics heavy presentation of victim stories, legislative, and legal updates and information.
Food Not Bombs
America’s favorite chefs. Not only are they always broke, they are often busted – for feeding people in the parks. Good site for activists to access.
An organizing tool on which all are invited to post about different issues in Humboldt County and the acts (i.e. resistance, direct action, campaigning) related to those issues.
LEAP – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
To restore the public’s respect for law enforcement that has been diminished by our involvement in drug prohibition.
The Library of Congress
Marijuana Policy Project
“Minimize the harm associated with marijuana” – the site ranges from policy lobbying to grassroots action alerts. New material seems to be added steadily, so its a good place to check often.
The Media Awareness Project
finds articles about drug policy in the media and encourages its members to respond. Resources at this site include: email links to join DRCchat and Mapchat lists, email links to legislators, letter editing service, links to sources of info on drug policy.
National Coalition on Police Accountability (N-COPA)
Their publication “Policing By Consent” is very good, and it is indexed but not posted on their site. Membership information etc. This is an important organization.
NORML – The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
A well designed site with action alerts, Norml info, chat rooms, updates and special reports on the pot laws.
Carl Olsen’s Marijuana Info Collection
Carl is in court (Olsen v DEA) suing to get access to pot. He discusses medical, industrial, and religious aspects of marijuana as well as his suit.
Peace Fresno
A group working on military recruitment in schools, police oversight, nuclear proliferation, etc. that was featured in Michael Moore’s movie Farenheit 9/11 after it was infiltrated by a sheriffs’ undercover officer.
Save Ancient Forests
A source of current information on issues effecting old growth forests in Humboldt County, CA.
World Wide Web Virtual Law Library
This site includes links to legislative information from all 50 states including all California laws at