The Civil Liberties Monitoring Project (CLMP) was founded 1983 in Miranda, Humboldt County, California. We have preserved here an archive of the website.

CLMP covers only issues specific to our local area on California’s North Coast.
Task Force Meeting #6…
Code Enforcement Task Force Meeting
July 18, 2008 – 9:00 A.M until 12:00
Humboldt County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers
825 5th Street, Eureka, CA 95501
Johanna Rodoni Second District Supervisor
Jill Geist Fifth District Supervisor
Phil Smith-Hanes Asst. County AdministrativeOfficer
Bonnie Blackberry Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Liz Davidson Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Wes Juliana Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Dan Taranto At-Large Representative
Jack Bernstein At-Large Representative
Robert Vogt At-Large Representative
Staff: (invited)
Kirk Girard Community Development Services
1. Call to Order
2. Invited Guest, Kirk Girard, Director CDS (9:15 a.m.)
3. Review and consider discussion of the July 11, 2008 meeting.
a. Establish subcommittees if and when deemed necessary.
b. Discussion of future CETF meetings to be recorded on Public Access and to be funded by Humboldt CPR at no cost to the County.
c. Discussion that there will be CETF meetings, with quorum,no less than every Friday for the remaining duration of the CETF tenure. Meetings will run from9 am to 2 pm with a half hour lunch break.
d. Discussion that there will be two public comment periods, one prior to lunch breakand one prior to adjournment in the afternoon.
e. Discussion that the last order of business of every meeting will be acollaboration delineating the contents of the next meeting agenda.
f. Discussion that the last day to submit something for the next meeting agenda will be three days prior to the meeting.
g. Discussion that a catalogue of all documents received by the CETF to date and hereafter is needed.
h. Discussion that the CETF needs to have scoping session to coordinate and compile a listing of all officials that are to be scheduled for future CETF meetings:A listing could include: Kirk Girard, Brian Cox, Sheriff Philp.
4. Public Comment.
5. Consider request BOS to postpone, stay or drop the case against Yee Hawuntil CETF can review the matter in light of new evidence and testimony.
6. Review and discuss July 8 CEU Analysis memo prepared by Wes Julianni
7. Review and discuss draft findings on CEU Manual & Statement of Responsibilities prepared by Dan Taranto dated July 5, 2008
8. Scoping session regarding adding to and scheduling guest list for the next four meetings
9. Collaborate on CETF Agenda for July 25, 2008 meeting.
10. Adjourn.