The Civil Liberties Monitoring Project (CLMP) was founded 1983 in Miranda, Humboldt County, California. We have preserved here an archive of the website.

CLMP covers only issues specific to our local area on California’s North Coast.
Task Force Meeting #7…
Code Enforcement Task Force Meeting
July 18, 2008 – 9:00 A.M until 12:00
Humboldt County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers
825 5th Street, Eureka, CA 95501
Johanna Rodoni Second District Supervisor
Phil Smith-Hanes Asst. County AdministrativeOfficer
Bonnie Blackberry Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Liz Davidson Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Wes Juliana Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Dan Taranto At-Large Representative
Jack Bernstein At-Large Representative
Robert Vogt At-Large Representative
1. Call to Order
2. Review and approve action summary of July 11th meeting
a. Meetings will be on Public Access at no cost.
b. Dan Taranto appointed Vice Chairman of CEU Task Force.
c. There will be CEU Task Force Meetings, with quorum, no less than every Friday for the remaining duration of the CETF tenure.
d. Meetings will run from 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with a half hour lunch break unless decided otherwise.
e. There will be a brief Public Comment period prior to lunch for those that must leave early, and one prior to afternoon adjournment.
f. The last order of business of every meeting will be a collaboration delineating the contents of the next meeting agenda.
g. The last day to submit items for the next meeting agenda will be noon on Monday, for a Friday meeting.
h. A catalogue of all documents received for review by the CETF to date and hereafter will be developed. Dan will prepare a first draft.
3. Review and approve action summary of July 18th meeting
a. Received input from invited guest, Kirk Girard, Director CDS – he provided helpful information and has agreed to come another time to be scheduled in the future.
b. Passed a motion 7/2, to request the BOS direct the CEU Attorney to file for a postponement or stay of the case against Yeehaw to allow the CEFT to review the matter in light of new evidence and testimony and prepare a comprehensive report of findings and final recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
c. That the July 25, 2008 CEUT meeting will be a working meeting focused upon unfinished business with no planned testimony from invited guests other than Public Comment
4. Follow-up of July 18th CETF request to the Board of Supervisor’s
5. Public Comment
6. Brown Act Overview
7. Review and discuss July 8 CEU Analysis memo prepared by Wes Julianni
8. Review and discuss draft findings on CEU Manual & Statement of Responsibilities prepared by Dan Taranto dated July 5, 2008
9. Scoping session regarding adding to and scheduling guest list for the next four meetings
10. Collaborate on CETF Agenda for August 1,2008 meeting.
11. Adjourn.