The Civil Liberties Monitoring Project (CLMP) was founded 1983 in Miranda, Humboldt County, California. We have preserved here an archive of the website.

CLMP covers only issues specific to our local area on California’s North Coast.
Task Force Meeting #9…
Code Enforcement Task Force Meeting
August 15, 2008 – 10:00 A.M until 2:00 P.M.
Humboldt County Board of Supervisor’s Chambers
825 5th Street, Eureka, CA 95501
Jill Geist Fifth District Supervisor
Johanna Rodoni Second District Supervisor
Loretta Nickolaus County Administrative Officer
Phil Smith-Hanes Asst. County AdministrativeOfficer
Bonnie Blackberry Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Liz Davidson Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Wes Juliana Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
Dan Taranto At-Large Representative
Jack Bernstein At-Large Representative
Robert Vogt At-Large Representative
1. Call to Order
2. List of documents distributed to CETF on 8/11 and 8/12/08:
a. Permit Procedures for As-Built Construction Todd Sobolik
b. Draft Findings for CETF Members Bonnie Blackberry
c. Questions for the County Counsel Dan Taranto
d. New Findings – Inspections & Warrants Wes Juliana
e. Findings Authority and Limits Wes Juliana
f. CEU Operating Procedures. Analysis. FINAL Wes Juliana
g. Fourth Draft Findings – CEU Manual & Statement of Responsibilities Dan Taranto
3. Actions affirmed on August 8, 2008:
a. Received brief report summarizing BOSsettlementaction on the Yee Haw matter from Supervisor Geist.
b. Brief Brown Act overview provided by Supervisor Geist.
c. CBO Todd Sobolik summarized and clarified Building Department protocols regarding response to public complaints and avenues of voluntary compliance or referral to CEU.
d. Agreed all CETF Members to contribute to compilation of any questions to forward to Environmental Health Director, for written & / or oral response.
e. Agreed all CETF Members to contribute to compilation of questions to advance to CDS Director for written & / or oral response.
f. CETFcritique finalized second draftlist of questions to be forwarded to theCountyCounseland CEU Attorney for written & / or oral response.
g. CETF critique finalized second draft findings taken from pie charts submitted by CEU Attorney re: Inspection Warrants, Complaints and Referrals as submitted by B. Blackberry.
h. CETF critique third draft findings on Manual and CEU Statement of Responsibilities as submitted by D. Taranto.
i. CETFcritiqued the first draft findings on Authority and Limits dated July 28 submitted by W. Juliana.
j. Ombudsmanship in CEU Statement of Responsibilities discussion led by Liz Davidson brought forth the following summary of ideas for further discussion:
1) Neutral mediation between subject & enforcing agency.
2) User friendly handouts regarding problems with individuals vs. Agencies.
3) Volunteer Ombudsman/compliance assistance committees in each Supervisorial district or the three rural districts.
4) Involve participation of retired professional volunteers
5) Compliance Appeals Board
6) Revive Building Dept satellite office in Garberville and consider satellite office in far north of county if needed/demanded for new construction compliance assistance.
7) Better training for inspectors to work with the public.
8) Emphasis of enforcement to focus on serious health and safety issues.
9) Develop a self tutorial citizens handbook Compliance for the Innocent, the Uniformed and the Guilty
10) Create a paid position of the Office of theCountyOmbudsman.
11) County sponsors a community compliance public education program.
4. Invited Guests: CEU Oversight Committee Member Supervisor John Woolley, County CounselWendy Chaitin, CEU Attorney Richard Hendry
5. Public Comment before lunch break and again, if needed, before adjournment.
6. New business August 8, 2008:
a. Invited Guests
b. Review CDS Director Response dated 8-6-08 to Humboldt Land Title Co. letter dated July 25, 2008.
c. Review of memo dated July 31, 2008 and documentation submitted by Elana Susmilch on Aug. 1, 2008
d. Review and discuss briefly the contents of 2006 annual Progress Report onImplementation of the Housing Element.
e. Review and critique any CETF questions for referral to CDS Director.
f. Review questions for referral to specific officials for oral & / or writtenresponse.
g.Ombudsman: Briefly review contents of ombudsman referencedocuments (29 pgs) submitted to CETFon Aug 8, and continue discussion of Ombudsman role as it should pertain to the BOS directed CEU Responsibility to perform An Ombudsman/ Mediator function will be a primary focus of the Unit as requested by Liz Davidson.
h. Critique fourth draft findings on Manual and CEU Statement of Responsibilitiesas submitted by D. Taranto.
i. Critique First Draft findings from CAO if distributed by agenda deadline.
j. Critique Second Draft findings on CEU authority and limits from Wes Juliana
k. Receive Presentation of Analysis of CEU Operating Procedures and Penalties from Wes Juliana.
l. Critique First Draft findings on Inspections & Warrants by Wes Juliana.
m. Critique First Draft findings from Jack Bernstein if received by agenda deadline.
n. Critique First Draft Findings from Robert Vogt dated July 22, 2008 (when Robt. returns from vacation).
o. Review and Discuss Catalogue of Documents as updated August 8 , 2008
p. DRAFT Findings concerning Priorities, Oversight, Supervision, Referrals, and Inspections, Bonnie B.
7. Collaborate on CETF Agenda for August 22, 2008 meeting.
8. Adjourn.