Paul Modic’s zine Gulch Mulch – Whale Gulch was Mendocino County-based. The website was lost 2018, recovered and archived by HAPA in 2020.

Welcome back hungry readers!

When the new year came I decided to put the back issues of the Gulch Mulch up on a website, just for the hell of it; I organized all the issues chronologically and took over the living room with the verbal detritus of the past. After scanning every page I thought why not put some new stuff up there too? So that’s where we’re at, what you see here. Is it just a one-shot history project or could it grow in interesting ways? My initial intention is to connect with my old readers, the ones who’ve been asking “Hey, where’s the ‘Mulch?” since the last hard copy issue in 2002.

This might be it, it was fun, or who knows, it could go anywhere. I invite your voice to be heard on these pages, write a letter.