Land Stewardship: Vision 2020

Karuk Tribe, Six Rivers National Forest, Trees Foundation

In 1993, Rick Klein of Ancient Forests International and Michael Evenson of the Trees Foundation proposed a plan called “Vision 2020: Restoration and Ecosystem Management” for the Bluff Creek watershed, seeking to combine the efforts and skills of sustainable forestry with native Americans and the US Forest Service.

They signed a Memorandum of Understanding, a first of its kind at the time, between the US Forest Service, the Karuk Tribe and Trees Foundation.


Source: HAPA Digital Collection–Michael Evenson.

Click HERE to download a pdf of the article (Redwood Record-Garbeville, August 1, 1993)

Click HERE to download a pdf of a letter from the Karuk Tribe Natural Resources Manager (1994).

June 1993 signed Memorandum Of Understanding. Click on the image to enlarge.

Click HERE to download a pdf of the proposal.

May, 1993 letter of support from Congressman Dan Hamburg. Click on the image to enlarge it. 

Click HERE to download a pdf of the May, 1993 letter by Six Rivers National Forest regarding Vision 2020.

Photos of the meeting in 1993

Source: HAPA Digital Collection–Michael Evenson.