Land Stewardship: Vision 2020

Karuk Tribe, Six Rivers National Forest, Trees Foundation

In 1993, Rick Klein of Ancient Forests International and Michael Evenson of the Trees Foundation proposed a plan called “Vision 2020: Restoration and Ecosystem Management” for the Bluff Creek watershed, seeking to combine the efforts and skills of sustainable forestry with native Americans and the US Forest Service.

They signed a Memorandum of Understanding, a first of its kind at the time, between the US Forest Service, the Karuk Tribe and Trees Foundation.

The ancient forest that once occupied the region cannot be rapidly recreated. Thinning, pruning and logging of carefully selected trees diversifies the landscape and stimulates the growth of young plantations, raising the canopy and shortening the time until the forest will be capable of providing complex wildlife habitats and quality timber products


Source: HAPA Digital Collection–Michael Evenson.

Click HERE to download a pdf of the article (Redwood Record-Garbeville, August 1, 1993)

Click HERE to download a pdf of a letter from the Karuk Tribe Natural Resources Manager (1994).

June 1993 signed Memorandum Of Understanding. Click on the image to enlarge.

Click HERE to download a pdf of the proposal.

May, 1993 letter of support from Congressman Dan Hamburg. Click on the image to enlarge it. 

Click HERE to download a pdf of the May, 1993 letter by Six Rivers National Forest regarding Vision 2020.

Photos of the meeting in 1993

Source: HAPA Digital Collection–Michael Evenson.