Innovation, Activism

Currently, only a glimpse of our vast archive is showcased on our website, as we meticulously process and digitize more content to share with you. 

Please help us expand this digital repository by supporting our digitization efforts through a donation. Together, let’s preserve and share the rare histories of the back-to-the-land movement and the remarkable innovations developed by hippie entrepreneurs in Humboldt. 

Hippie entrepreneurs…

More on Innovation

Community Links: Innovation and Business Entrepreneurship in Humboldt

And also....

Whitethorn Truckstop
Evergreen Natural Foods
Playtypus Press (Redway, CA)
Open Circle Trading Company
Magic Communications (closed Miranda, CA)
Childs Play (closed Garberville, CA)
Orange Cat Goes to Market
Wild Iris Forest Products (closed Southern Humboldt, CA)

Murrish’s Grocery (became Shop Smart in which year?)
Wild Horse Records (Garberville, CA)
Tiger Lilly Books (Closed Garberville, CA)
Second Growth Books
Pyramid Lanes (closed early 1980s Garberville, CA)
Treats (closed Garberville, CA)

More on Activism