Read more about the article Pure Schmint Players – Vibram Soul Reviews
1980 Vibram Soul poster for Berkeley’s Live Oak Theater by Maurie and Larry Heald (Courtesy of HAPA, Joani Rose Collection)

Pure Schmint Players – Vibram Soul Reviews

Pure Schmint Players Pure Schmint Vibram Soul Reviews Graphic from Star Root Pure Schmint Players ad, Star Root August 1979 (Source: Humboldt Area Peoples Archive, Scott Holmquist Collection) Vibram Soul,…

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Read more about the article Pure Schmint Players – Fundraiser and Vibram Soul Ad
Graphic from Star Root Pure Schmint Players ad, Star Root August 1979 (Courtesy of HAPA, Scott Holmquist Collection)

Pure Schmint Players – Fundraiser and Vibram Soul Ad

Pure Schmint Players Pure Schmint Fundraiser and Vibram Soul Ad 1979 Graphic from Star Root Pure Schmint Players ad, Star Root August 1979 (Source: Humboldt Area Peoples Archive, Scott Holmquist…

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