Freshwater Tree-Sitters: Names of Trees
Poseidon, Open, Jerry, Allah, Shedder, Eversting, Diversity, Anastasia
Poseidon, Open, Jerry, Allah, Shedder, Eversting, Diversity, Anastasia
"Struggle in the Woods" released 2003 and "Tree-Sit: The Art of Resistance" released 2000.
The first time I saw this tree I was just compelled to climb, I don't know how else to describe it. The first person sat up here for a night or two, then I came up and sat for about four days. Then I went back down to the ground. [At that point] the question I was asking myself was `What do I do? What is the most effective thing that I, personally, can do?' All indications were that I should sit in this tree, so after being on the ground for five days I came back up. That was March 21 last year. My feet haven't touched the ground since.
The tree-sit villages on Greenwood Heights Road in Freshwater, Humboldt county, was started in August of 2002 in preparation for the 13-13-13 action, which involved 13 women in 13 trees for 13 days, lasting from September 23 to October 6, 2002 to safeguard Redwoods from being cut down.
On December 10, 1997, Julia Butterfly Hill ascended Luna, an ancient Redwood near Stafford in Humboldt County. While not the first tree-sitter, she stayed in the tree for two years and brought national media attention to the movement.
In 1993, Rick Klein of Ancient Forests International and Michael Evenson of the Trees Foundation proposed a plan called "Vision 2020: Restoration and Ecosystem Management" for the Bluff Creek watershed, seeking to combine the efforts and skills of sustainable forestry with native Americans and the US Forest Service.
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